What Is a UTI?

Similar to humans, a UTI in dogs refers to an infection of the urinary tract. Bacteria overload is the most common cause of a UTI. In fact, bacterial urinary tract infections are the most commonly occurring infectious disease in dogs! It’s been shown that UTI’s caused by bacteria affect 14% of all dogs throughout their lifetimes – that means the odds are relatively high that your dog could experience a UTI at some point in their life.

Most dogs get UTIs when normal skin and gastrointestinal (GI) tract flora get past the urinary tract’s defenses. Bacteria are then able to colonize the urinary tract, leading to an infection. E. coli is the most common bacterial cause of UTIs, but several bacteria and even some fungi can cause infections.

Female dogs are more likely to get UTIs than males, simply due to the nature of their anatomy. Female dogs with recessed or hooded vulva have an increased risk for UTI’s as well, since the area may be more prone to trapping bacteria. UTIs also have an increased rate of occurrence in dogs with other health problems, such as chronic kidney disease and Cushing’s disease.

Symptoms of UTI in Dogs

Some common UTI symptoms include:

When UTI Symptoms Are Something Worse

A urinary tract infection is serious, and does require veterinary attention. If left untreated, a UTI may lead to dysfunction of the lower urinary tract, kidney or bladder stones, inflammation of the prostate gland, infertility, blood poisoning, and even kidney infection and kidney failure.

Bloody Urine

If you think there is blood in your dog’s urine, contact your veterinarian immediately. Blood in urine is certainly concerning, and while it could potentially be a sign of a UTI – it could indicate something more serious:

Difficulty Urinating

Difficulty urinating, or an inability to urinate, is a medical emergency. It can lead to a rupture in your dog’s bladder, and if left untreated can be fatal, so make sure you call your veterinarian immediately if you notice this symptom.

There are several possible causes of difficult urination, including the following:

Your veterinarian is the person best equipped to deal with this dangerous situation. As with bloody urine, trauma and obstructions can be fatal if not treated. From my personal experience, Miss. Little presented with what I thought was a UTI – constant urination and only relieving a small amount of urine at a time. After several tests, X-rays, CT Scan and visits to specialists, it was determined she actually had a cancerous mass that was blocking her way for urination & defecation. Sadly, the cancerous mass was inoperable.

Changes in Urination Habits

You spent most of your time with your dog, and as such you know what to expect when it comes to their elimination habits. Examining your pets’ fecal matter and urine is maybe a bit “strange”, but dog lovers do it as an act of love. Attention to detail in these cases can really help your veterinarian diagnose a medical condition before it gets out of hand.

Changes in your dog’s urination habits always necessitate a visit to your veterinarian. While accidents in the house could be a behavioral issue, they could also be a sign of a serious medical condition. Accidents or increased frequency in urination may be symptoms of diabetes, hypothyroidism, Cushing’s disease, cancer, trauma, or urinary tract infections, just to name a few possible conditions. Is there a way to prevent a UTI

As you have learned above, there are many ailments that resemble a UTI, however there is a possibility to prevent a true bacterial urinary tract infection. Bacteria such as E.coli that may attempt to inhabit the urinary tract to cause infection, do so by attaching to the bladder wall (epithelia cells). A supplement like D‐mannose is an all natural sugar, and is believed to create a non‐stick surface on the bladder wall, as well as around the bacteria. The theory is that the bacteria (E.coli) is bound by the d-mannose, and then then expelled with urine, thus preventing the growth of bacteria on the bladder walls. Without the bacteria on the bladder wall – an infection is prevented.

I recommend the addition of d-mannose powder to the diet of any female puppies, since they have a tendency to squat really low to pee, and may collect bacteria. I also strongly recommend the addition of this additive to the diet of a female puppy that had a recessed or hooded vulva – we know their anatomy allows for more bacteria to sit and grow – so it’s a great precautionary measure. Wiping your dogs’ vulva with un-scented baby wipes after they have relieved themselves is also an excellent way to prevent bacterial overload.